43 26

Being a woman is worse than being a farmer

I love this passage from the book, "Bridget Jones's Diary," by British author Helen Fielding:

"Completely exhausted from an entire day of date-preparation. Being a woman is worse than being a farmer- there is so much harvesting and crop spraying to be done: legs to be waxed, underarms shaved, eyebrows plucked, feet pumiced, skin exfoliated and moisturized, spots cleansed, roots dyed, eyelashes tinted, nails filed, cellulite massaged, stomach muscles exercised.

"The whole performance is so highly tuned, you only need to neglect it for a few days for the whole thing to go to seed.

"Sometimes I wonder what I would be like if left to revert to nature - with a full beard and handlebar mustache on each shin, Dennis Healy eyebrows, face a graveyard of dead skin cells, spots erupting, long curly fingernails like Struwwelpeter, blind as a bat and stupid runt of species as no contact lenses, flabby body flobbering around. Ugh, ugh.

"Is it it any wonder girls have no confidence?"

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 26

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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There are some Jewish sects in which the men thank God for not making them a woman. This is purely sexist as the woman is considered to be a substandard man. This being said, the female is a wonderful creature which has to go through much that I simply do not have to bother with. I am glad I am not a woman and can simply admire them.


Even an idle farmer is a man out standing in his field. I always wonder how much makeup and fashion accessories need to be unearthed to find out who's inside. It's been my experience so far that the more digging I have to do, the less I find worth digging for.


Laughing, laughing and more laughter! In my younger days yes, that was what I did. I have scaled back a bit.


As someone who lacks this skills, I gave up a long time ago. However, when I do see a woman who is "more put together"... I always feel inferior. Society has this impossible standard of beautiful, one I will never reach.

Odd because from this guy's perspective beauty can be seen a lot of time. When I'm with someone simple moments can show a lot, like sunlight hitting hair just so, when fixing their hair, even crawling out of bed. Ah love!!!

@Deanervin ?

You are a lovely human being just the way you what makes you feel healthy and at your best. If you do enough not to be socially offensive, i.e don't stink or are filthy, then why worry and compare yourself to others? Set your own standards and be confident with your choices. Let others use you as their and millions of other women feel the same!


It's not so bad to be a farmer or a woman.


Went and seen your profile pic you will not need much putting together if any at all.


What about being a woman AND a farmer?


These things don't have to be done every day and do not involve life-threatening machinery and/or animal shit. A lot of them don't have to be done at all.


it's hell being male!


I'm a city boy who hardly knows where food comes from. What do you like to grow as a Farmer? What crops are easiest to grow and harvest? Which are the most satisfying to you as a farmer... that you can say, "I grew that!". Or am I totally off base?
Big Al


The same could be said of aging men "date preparation" to look younger and attract a mate: trimming nose hairs, shaving hairs off the top of the nose, eyebrow combing to clip the longer ones curling under the shorties only to shoot out wild after a bluff of wind, spending life savings on cosmetic dental treatment. ..sewing busted buttons back upon suit pants & coat worn ten years ago when his beloved died....ironing collars twisted in recent laundry polishing dress shoes instead of wearing comfortable NIKEs REAL MEN SUPPORT Colin Kaepernick #7 SuperBowl quarterback for victims of killer cops.....shaving too close and bleeding from old zits and ingrown beard stubble, IRONING pant cuffs that look one inch in front and half inch in back. ...polishing brass belt buckles
....sewing dime sized holes in his pockets going to the bank to get enough 5's tens and 1s for parking and bar tips keeping credit cards safe from skimmers SLICING OUT IN gawd WE TRUST from all the currency to fight McCarthyism and see if she is in or out of the closet of Atheism. ...first dates can be hell on an aging athlete wearing knee braces under baggy suit pants so he can dance a bit before the knees buckle. ....spreading our peacock feathers just broad enough to open the door first for her but not poking under her skirt


It's a good thing I don't have to do all that. Whew! Dodged a bullet!


Personally, I was never impressed by appearances or images which are altogether superficial. Oliver Cromwell said: "Paint me warts and all"


Bridget Jones is still hilarious. And I say that as a man. And not English.


I could send her a picture?


I used to pride myself on being able to shit, shower, shave and be out the door in under 10 minutes. That was all normal. When I decided last year to start growing my hair out... Well that adds another 10 minutes. Then I just threw a beard into the mix.... Another 5 minutes to trim that and check for Brezhnev eyebrows, nose and ears.

I find the truest beauties of the world use very little make-up. But sweet holy moses... please keep up on the shaving!

And Nichole... Please don't ever feel inferior!



I don't know how old you are but I want you to know that all men are not that superficial to expect a Barbie Doll super model for a date! Sure, beauty is nice but.... There are many of us, particularly, I expect, those of us on this site, who value such things as intelligent conversation, a good sense of humor, and a woman who knows herself and is not afraid to show her date who she really is, etc, etc.

Unless you are going to a five star restaurant for the event of your life, I would suggest that you rethink your strategy and do the minimum preparation for a date. Do just enough to show that you cared enough to look presentable, but not so much to overshadow a guy who shows up wearing Blue Jeans and a nice shirt with a collar on it!

That's my take. Does that help? (BTW, I'm 64, so that may give you some frame of reference for me.)

Allan Worrell


I posted this because it's funny. I never put foundation on my skin.

Look at my face. I hardly wear any makeup. A dab of nose powder and lipstick, and I'm good to go.

I'm 65. This photo was taken after a run two years ago. That's my natural skin.


I was intreged at first then got the giggles. So by now you are a model right? LOL How smart are you?


Why do you ask how smart I am? My IQ is 146, genius level.

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