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I was an Eagle Scout, and my neighbor invited me to his son's Eagle Scout award ceremony tomorrow at the Mormon Church. I get to set in the Eagles Nest for the first time. All the Eagle Scouts set in one place. I wonder if I will be the Oldest? No matter I am looking forward to it. I am new in the community, and I am looking forward to meeting people even religious people🙂

Leutrelle 7 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm against scouting for no other reason than that I think it's illogical to have endless meetings and ceremonies to gain badges instead of actually teaching urban kids how to survive comfortably in the wild, learn to use common codes, read animals tracks, signs, scat, etc.

In Haiti, we missionary kids poured over the one Boy Scouts handbook, memorizing all the codes, from Morse to Braille, knots, shelter building, etc. identifying tracks (although the US animals in the track pictures don't exist in Haiti), making and using bows and arrows, practicing throwing knives at targets, etc, thinking that Scouts existed to train kids in Native American skills, as in "Indian Scout."
We also had a National Geographic book on Native American Indians and copied stuff from there as well.

But when I was in the US at the age of nine, to my horror I was put in the Brownies, where we had to wear an ugly uniform (with a SKIRT??) and everyone sat around the living room, ate cookies, and planned the next meeting where we also would do nothing. It was so boring I never returned, but I heard that the regular Boy Scouts weren't much better.

Later on, I read Tom Brown's book, "The Tracker," and how he trained his own Boy Scouts troop in tracking and survival skills he'd learned from his Apache teacher, "Tracking Wolf," so the kids could do all that stuff.

WOW --I had a great Experience as a Boy Scout. I learned many survival skills. Sorry I brought it up

@Leutrelle Sorry about that. Wasn't trying to diminish your own experiences with them, but only relaying what happened with me, with a bitter note. Of course I'm a girl, and troops differ.

But just the thought of being made to wear their 19th century British school-esque uniform would be a deal breaker for me.
I learned more from tracking animals myself, using hints from Tom Brown's books, through my woods night and day than I could have learned in a lifetime of Boy Scouts.

I got so good I could ease into into a herd of deer and they couldn't detect me.


have fun


Sounds good to me. I was in scouting both as a boy growing up and later as a father and scout leader. Not everyone approves, but that is not their place. If you get something out of it, do it. I did and my son did. Enjoy your new friends they are part of your brotherhood.

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