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What is the secret

Dogs are not consumed by humans, it give birth once or twice a year, and may give birth to six,
the sheep gives birth once or twice a year, only gives birth to a sheep or two a year, and it is consumed by humans on a large scale, The puzzling thing is that the number of sheeps far more than dogs, What is the secret

belfo 6 Sep 28

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dogs are not generally consumed by humans in what is considered the western world but they have been, and in some cases still are, consumed by humans elsewhere and elsewhen. at least some native american tribes considered dog a delicacy. i don't know if koreans still eat dog; if they don't, they've only stopped recently. there are still japanese alive who remember eating dog.

your puzzle does not take into account the number of sheep bred to begin with. that is an important missing number.


Logically the number of dogs is more than sheep?

@belfodil lol the number of dogs and sheep have nothing to do with logic. it is what it is. here is what it is:

there are about a billion sheep in the world.

there are about 900 million dogs in the world.

that's not a huge difference proportionately but it's still a difference of about a hundred million, which in and of itself is a big number.

dogs breed by themselves and are sometimes bred for sale, but sheep have been bred for wool (which doesn't kill them to harvest) and for food (which does) much, much longer. dogs are sometimes spayed. sheep are not. but even if the numbers defied logic, they still are what they are.


every day sheep enter the slaughterhouses, and only we have two sheep in year, i just compare it with dogs, Do not you think that the number, of dogs should be much more than sheep?

@belfodil we have two sheep per year? you wanna rethink that?

we actively work to control the dog population and we actively work to increase the sheep population.


@genessa Two sheep per year (for one sheep) .. and six dogs per year (for one dog)

@belfodil and the people who have dogs do NOT breed them every year, might even spay them, and the people who have sheep DO breed them.


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