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Was Budda a god?

He never claimed to be a god.
He never claimed to be a son of god.
He never claimed to be a messenger of god.
Though most Hindu’s today revere and worship him like a god.
So he is just another example of a truly 'man-made' god. Someone whom humans desperately need to put on a pedestal in order to feel better about their lives.

Hugene2002 7 Oct 20

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Buddhists don't even believe in God.


I don't think Bhudda, is a part of the Hindu pantheon. I was under the impression that Bhudda was an ancient philospher, but not a god, somewhat in the same fashion that Confucius was.


Which Budda are you talking about there has been several.

Several? I didn't know that. So the original, fat, happy one!

I know of at least 4 and all of them have been depicted in many different ways.

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