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If roads,police, hospitals are social projects why shouldn't health care, social security, and voting just called social programs and not labeled socialist programs?

Marine 8 Sep 29

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Indeed, why not? Well the rich and powerful in this country have been wildly successful at controlling the terms of debate. They have appropriated the mythologies of rugged individualism and manifest destiny and woven them together with the Christian ideas of original sin and puritanical zest for punishment, whipping up fear of welfare mothers and deadbeat dads, dividing people with hot-button issues like freedom of choice vs right to life, and painting labor unions as communists in order to keep the proletariat fighting amongst themselves rather than banding together to create a more egalitarian society. It's classic divide-and-conquer tactics used to achieve the strategic goal of elite hegemony.

You had me at "appropriated the mythologies". Oliver Sacks and V.S. Ramachandran?? : swoon:

Sounds like we share some heroes! 🙂


Because there's a large segment of our population which was BRAINWASHED into believing that "socialism'' was the equivalent of communism and (gasp) we must guard against it! It's always fun to gently remind the "anti-socialism" folks of all the socialistic programs we love and support.


tva is an enormous feature of our Democratic socialism. it's worked quite well.


It is my belief that all of these are social programs and when the Constitution calls on life and liberty for all the latter in my question should be covered under life and liberty.Our Constitution states nothing about being a capitalist country or any other economic term. It speaks about rights we as citizens can expert. The pursuit of happiness comes with health and economic security.

Actually, these things would seem to be covered in the Constitution's preamble..."...promote the general welfare..."...

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