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LINK Satanist Sues Chicago for Religious Discrimination Over His Pet Pig “Boarphomet” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

FTA: Will any of these lawsuits go anywhere? I don’t know. But these lawsuits show the slippery slope of religious accommodation.

When religious beliefs are given special privilege in the legal system — like when a Christian baker can refuse to service same-sex couples because doing so would violate his conscience — the courts can’t write someone off just because his beliefs are weird. The claims must be investigated on their merits provided Mayle has legal standing.

It’s always important to remember that religious freedom laws don’t (can’t) only apply to Christians.

zblaze 7 Sep 30

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His defense is pathetic, and will probably be thrown out of court right away! They are almost as bad as Jarrod's defense that he paid minors for sex because he lost so many pounds on Subway.

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