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Do you oppose the wearing of Burqa's Why?

Marine 8 Oct 4

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There are days when I look like Medusa and I think wearing a Burqa wouldn't be so bad.


Well . I don't care what anybody is wearing . My feelings or questions thou are " do they really like or HAVE to wear it ". And r they aloud to voice any different . The possibility that u live in USA and u have to wear it bcz your husband / family rules , that bothers me . I feel like I failed to help u out ?
If u wearing it bcz u want to / like it / allah is the word , then I don't care . U can wear a living parrot on your head for all I care , just don't ask me to feed it or patch your eye when it pokes it out . Is that makes sense ? ?


Why should I care what women wear on their heads? Same thing with sex: don’t care, if of age/consenting, go for it. Or what people buy with food stamps, or do with rain water....we got bigger problems!


I can't wear them. they just never seem to fit right, but some wear them well and should.


If they want them to stop wearing Burga's than they should also make nuns stop wearing habits and priests stopped wearing robes
And judges stopped wearing robes. What's next will they stop atheists from wearing nothing?

Good point


If you are a guest then it's just not right to force your will on your host, is it?..... Look at the other way, some western people working in those countries have to wear it because they want people to comply with their rules. Why is so shocking to ask for the same here???

It is viewed as a rejection of western culture here.


Yes. It's a huge long answer since I'm for religious freedom, but I think these take religious freedom too far, particularly in their attempts to subjugate women and keep them as second-class citizens.


yes, because of security and the fact that i can't wear a crash helmet in a bank.


I do not live in a culture that includes. WOuldnt be for me to oppose.


I thought it was spelled with a k, burka. I personally don't find them attractive but to each her own and as long as it's her choice.

gearl Level 8 Oct 4, 2018



No l don't! Skinny jeans on the other hand?


Burqas are unusual in Western countries, However you may see a woman wearing a Niqab or a hijab. I live in a town which is about 15% Muslim, some ladies wear hijabs a few wear niqabs and loads are unveiled. Yesterday I was driving down a street and I saw a lady in the most beautiful outfit and hijab, she looked amazing (I sew a lot of clothes for Muslim ladies). Lower down the street was a British girl (may be 15) in what you guys call 'Daisy Duke' shorts and a crop top...on a school day! To me that is far more offensive. That and some of the other low lifes round me who think going to the supermarket in a onesie at 3pm is acceptable!
The other strange notion is the idea that women are 'forced' into the veil. This is not true. In fact research suggests that British born muslim men particularly do not care. In fact in my experience they tend to be the most vocal in their objection. The veil is not religious really, in fact some sects of Judaism also wear veils and headscarves were ubiquitous in my part of England amongst mill girls. It is cultural and it came from a cultural norm that maintained that high status women and women in hareems be veiled as only one man could look at them. The tradition continues as young women wanted to follow the high status women. The bible and the Q'oran are rather ambiguous on this, both suggesting modesty but neither really openly discussing a veil. To me personally its cool. It did freak me out when a pair of eyes greeted me from a vision in black and said, "hiya Jayne". When I looked confused she lifted up her veil and said "its me Robina"!! We both had a good life. Its only a veil live and let live.


Most people that oppose the wearing of Burqa's view it as "a complete rejection of western secular values."The doctrine that requires these women to wear the Burqa is even more objectionable because it makes women a second class citizen. Many towns and cities have banned the Burqa but isn't that restriction on the practicing freedom of religion?

But,is Islam a religion?[]

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