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"Liberal society is no longer willing to tolerate illiberal ideas or sentiments"It has adopted the republican way of thinking , everyone must be a liberal

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Pretty sure the goal of all political parties is to screw you in the arse, repeatedly, as hard as possible, for as long as you, the voter will tolerate it. It all comes down to which party feels better in your arse.


I disagree.


I find both sides to be quite illiberal. The republicans are the worst but sjws are no winners either.


Asking people not to be bigots is NOT requiring people to be liberal. No I do not and I will not tolerate bigotry or idiocy in the name of " political freedom". No you are not free to be for the oppression of people different from you and demand the world coddle your idiotic baseless beliefs then cry about being discriminated against.


Most politicians of all ilks have lost touch with the people. They don't campaign by meeting people and shaking hands, they buy TV time and have slick ads produced by professionals. The whole thing is run by the oligarchs, the 1% with billions and billions of dollars to spend buying elections. I don't give a damn what you call it, but we need government to be sensitive to the needs of the people, yet government is forcing able people into poverty, homelessness, and prison, and abandoning people who are ill so they die with minimal cost. The UN just criticized the US as having an inhumane health care system, but they should have criticized much more.

I agree completely.

"Truth in advertising" should be enforced in political ads. That would be a start.


"It has adopted the republican way of thinking" - there is no republican way of thinking, my friend.


It is my belief that we are going down the wrong path by requiring everyone to be a liberal. Conflicting ideas can lead to better programs via compromise which has been missing in our government. We now see the republicans as suppressing liberal ideas and positions and this is a result of both sides not being able to compromise.Christianity among the republicans threatens many rights the liberals hold as personal decisions like abortion.The current administration is being boorish led by trumper.The liberals must stand their ground and defend it but it must not become boorish as the republicans have become.

Different viewpoints are valuable. The big problem in adopting this position, particular news organizations, is placing value on any voice with differing views, without any regard to how honest and genuine that voice is.

If I were a news editor, there are many in the Trump administration I would not give any value to, simply because they lie so much. Seemingly they can't speak without lying, as though it's a compulsion. This becomes perpetuating propaganda, not reporting news.

Democrats can be and have been just as bad when all they can do is spew talking points, which all too often include lies.

This seems to have been normalized. Which is a shame. It weakens us as a nation, in our own eyes, and in the eyes of the world.

@bingst Well said. Thank you.

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