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Do you think politicians should be asked to disclose their religion?

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I believe it would be a waste of time and breath. Those that aren't Muslim push the narrative of being a Christian country on us for starters. And their actions often show us they are anything but Christian. The whole Christian narrative is just another part of the managed perception on the country.


hell they wear it

bill Level 3 Oct 28, 2017

No, as it shouldn’t make a difference, though I would instantly vote for a secular or atheist politician.


No. They are seeking a secular position. I do think they shoudl disclose if they plan to try to legislate their religious beliefs.


No. We will be told all about their religious beliefs without the politician being asked about it.


Technically it should not be relevent, but in reality I would like to see an agnostic or atheist as a potential politician.


When I run for office, I won't want people asking.


Don't worry, they will be sure to tell you all about it. Some of them love two Corinthians.


No, because it is a way of establishing a religious test. Rather we should expect politicians to stop talking so much about their religion and more about how they would work to solve society's problems.


No, I think they should shut up about it.
We already hear too much about their religions.

I'm getting tired of the press getting invited to The Oval Office for a photo op. to take pictures of a goddamn prayer circle.

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