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LINK Study Reveals Link Between Calvinism and Acceptance of Domestic Violence Myths | Sarahbeth Caplin | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

I knew there was another reason to avoid religion. Not only is it ridiculous it's also dangerous for domestic abuse victims.

Pamscwf1 7 Oct 5

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That should not be a surprise.


Presbyterians today may no longer have John Calvin's Five Points drummed into them from childhood, using the somewhat ironic mnemonic, TULIP: 1) Total Depravity; 2) Unconditional Election; 3) Limited Atonement; 4) Irresistible Grace; 5) Perseverance of the Saints. But Calvin's likeness can be found in many, if not most Presbyterian sanctuaries or classrooms. If you accept Calvin's theology, you will assume that all mankind is, without exception, 'depraved,' having inherited the evil of man's original sin. You will also believe in predestination (Unconditional Election), which states that God, from the beginning, has already chosen who he will save, and who he will destroy.

To say that Calvin was a horrible individual would be an understatement. Calvin had the gentle physician and theologian Michael Servetus, who is credited with the discovery of blood circulation, tried and slowly burned at the stake (using green wood, so that he would endure the torture longer) in Geneva for his heresies of Sabellianism and anti-infant baptism. Under Calvin, more than 50 people were executed for their 'thought crimes.' Calvin was the opposite of a saint, and were he alive today, we would justifiably call him a monster.


What is a domestic violence myth? Believing in a domestic violence myth would be different than engaging in domestic violence I would think.

I’ve never heard anyone identify as a Calvinist. I think Calvinism is a pretty mixed bag, but is mostly linked to the Presbyterians. A more meaningful study would be to learn if Presbyterian spouses are more prone to beating each other. You could do a poll and ask if the spouse-beating was done in the name of religion. That would certainly be a fun project!

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