Can religious people also be secular? Can a person be a member of both groups? yes or no?
one can keep one's religion private (i don't mean secret -- i just mean not let it interfere with, say, governing, if you're a politician, or whom you heal, if you're a doctor) and behave secularly. a catholic doctor who will not operate on a divorced woman or a born-again christian who will not sell a wedding cake to a gay couple are not behaving secularly. a catholic doctor who knows that he himself is not divorced can happily take out a divorced woman's gall bladder, and theoretically a born-again christian baker could bake a wedding cake for a gay couple; that would be secular behavior, or, to put it simply, not laying your religion on other people. i don't think there is any such thing as a secular jehova's witness but i was raised in a secular jewish household.
Secular by definition lacks religious or spiritual aspects.