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Do you have fears?

Do you have fears about the future, about your plans, career, family, relationships, public speaking or anything else?
What kind of fear do you have and what do you do to control it? Do you think your life is control about the fear?

Sensiwoman7 6 Oct 6

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I fear the indications that several countries aroudn teh world are movign to the far right, which may lead to Fascist governments ... again.


I have fears of rides at carnivals. I have no faith in the people that put those things together.


everyone has fears. anyone who is completely fearless is an idiot.



No fears about the future at all, there's no point in worrying about potential future events because that only spoils the present!


Yes, Giving the application of the exponential function!


Not sure about fears - more like worries & concerns and I make a distinction between them. To me, fears are worries or concerns that aren't addressed, and not addressing them means abdicating. I try to approach it all with confidence - a confidence that my efforts will often fail, but even then often isn't all the time. For example, I'm concerned that my kids will struggle to find their place. I can try to guide them and prepare them but, as with so many things, that's no guarantee I'm providing them with what they need. I can just hope & try for the best.


@Sensiwoman7, you should start with yours, right? ?
I have a fear of having to live away from my family for too long. I am also afraid of /anxious about moving to a new place soon for a job. Making new friends seems not so easy now.


Fear, almost let too much honesty come out.

I fear alot of things. Losing everything that matters to me. Dieing before I welcome death.

The smaller fears of losing battles or failing quests.

I do appreciate my fear though. Without it I wouldn't realize the value I place on things other than myself.

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