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“You are who you hang around”

Of your closest friends, whom do you want to more like and why?
Do you tend to befriend people that you can learn from, or teach?
I figure we’re usually doing one or the other..

AMGT 8 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I have two friends I can think of who are both very rational, and don't really let their emotions overtake them. It's hard for me to be like that consistently, but it's something I admire. I love being around people who I can not only learn from, and am challenged by, but also whom I can trust w/my private issues and belief system. As you say, we're always doing one or the other, so I also enjoy mutually intellectual conversation.


I am a dedicated introvert. I literally have no friends. This can be tough when i need a ride to pick up my car from the mechanic or someone to watch my kid during the day, but it is otherwise ideal. Less people, less bullstuff! Therefore, in relation to your question, i am fully myself at all times. I do not wish to be like anyone else.

Funny, I can be very social or a total hermit- it depends on my mood.


Very true. It’s often hard to spot the good ones from the bad ones.

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