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Is it a good idea to date someone at work?

Found out today that a colleague is dating another colleague in our department at work. Personally, I don't think it's a good idea as I've seen it in a few workplaces and when it goes wrong , it's painful to watch. I wish them no illwill, I just think it's a bad idea.

Vic47 6 Jan 30

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It's rare when it works out. When it fails, the ripple-effects can be felt by many.


I personally don't think it's a good idea either. I've seen this unfold into workplace drama too many times and someone often feels the need to find another job when the relationship doesn't work out.


Could lead to more problems than its worth...


...though I’ve never.. wait, yes I have! Was married so long I never did that, but it seemed that those ‘who did it right,’ nobody knew about; those who didn’t … the drama was intense.. My situation was ok, later in life and fully mature, no problems. Though we eventually drifted apart, no drama, and no spectators 🙂

Varn Level 8 Jan 30, 2018

It is not a good idea - almost never. Especially bad for a manager and subordinate. Not good if in the same team. Safer in a bigger workplace with someone at about the same level, with whom you don't have work related interactions.


Well, it is not only painful to watch but it creates a problem. In any relationship there always be some moment of disagreement. It is inevitable. And so it creates awkward moments at work and the professionalism is in danger of going by the wayside and then, if the work you do happens to be what you like to do, then it is spoiled for you because the person is there and you are not enjoying as you could, and if the disagreement is not superated then... just imagine. No, dating at work happens because people are there, kind of easy pickings, and since the two HAVE to spend time together because of work, it feels natural, but, would that relationship have happened if they had met in a different social setting? There are so many other people in the world with whom we can start a healthy relationship!! If you pay attention to those at work, you won't be able to see the forest because that one tree is blocking the view.


Like most things in life, you will need to weigh the risks vs. the potential rewards.

EvanK Level 4 Jan 30, 2018

Been there, done that. It makes for an awkward work environment. I've also seen it happen to other people. It can go pretty badly. There is just no knowing if it will or not.


As I appreciate my private life so much more than professional, I say do it if you want to. Too many people are wrapped up in money and career, besides that, if the only socialization one get is through work, that is where it’ll happen.


as you say its ok if it works


Seems to me that anyone "at work" would be too busy to be much company. All of the jobs I've ever had took attention. 😉


Been there, done that and somebody pays a price.

The fact that our relationship started as a secret was exciting for a very short time. It created a dynamic that we never overcame in the 12 years we were together. I worked harder than I did before we were together and got no cudos, a raise or any other consideration for fear that when people found out, there would be accusations.

I will not date anyone even remotely connected to my job which is in large part why I am still single years later because I do not have a schedule that is conducive to socializing


I agree with you. If it goes bad or ends badly, there's gonna be some trouble.


Coworkers dating is the source of so many letters to Ask a Manager, from all points of view, that I'd have to say no.

But looking at your update, is microwave popcorn allowed in your office? This could be prime time entertainment.


You never know. It could end ugly and poison the entire workplace. OR it could lead to happily ever after. OR it dissolves and everyone is an adult about it and we all remain friends.

Yeah, it's gonna end in name calling and whispers and rumors and name-calling. Sounds like Fun!


I think it may depend on the situation. If you work very closely with that person it could be really uncomfortable if things didn't work out. I'm always leary of bosses or those in management dating employees-that is just asking for trouble. That being said, a lot of people have met their partners through work and have great relationships.

I would use caution and really consider the "what if's" before wading into that pool...


Having to carry on working together certainly can be an added complication if it does go wrong.But anymore than still having to live with someone? Where I work there can be some security issues -those sneaky girlfriends putting extra things onto my truck 😉
I don't see it as an inherently bad thing though (dating someone you work with, not putting extra things onto my truck :'😉 )


But sometimes it is one of the few places one can meet another. Two of my previous relationships I met at work. We were in different departments so there were no problems. In fact the second one was arranged by her group. We had no problems but I can see where it can happen.

I would have to say, it depends.


Personally, I very rarely find a person I really fall for, who actually falls for me, so I would probably try it. But then again, every girl I have ever dated is still a friend or at least we parted on friendly terms. So I'd say that it depends largely on the personalities involved - if they are volatile then things could go bad. But if they are calm and tolerant then there's no reason it wouldn't work out or at least not cause problems if they broke up.


Not unless you work at a theatre, restaurant or Chuck E. Cheese cuz the ne your dates are either free ir discounted lol


I’ve alwalys shued away from datting co-workers, even classmates in school. I’m there to focus on work or study.


Can not say I ever had. I like to keep my job separated from rest of my life, is bad enough that I had to show up. Regardless what my ex said... that is the way always been.


I think that as an adults we spend most of our time at work than any other place, it’s hard to keep feelings away during that time, especially when you are trying to care for your coworkers at the same time they do the same. I always try to be professional, but I keep my cards open at all times. No matter what type of relationship you have, there’s always risks, just act mature and if things don’t go as planed, act as an adult.


Bad idea.

I said bad idea... then I went through self-actualization (Moksha in Hinduism aka enlightenment in Buddism aka taking the red pill in the matrix).
In the end, we are all just animals, alpha, beta, omega hard wired to procreate.


no, not really a good idea,
but maybe unavoidable, close proximity to someone you fancy. I married my supervisor, and the love of my life was my boss's personal assistant.

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