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No explanation for some stuff I saw while religious, now that I've ditched the church.

I was born with psychic powers, but since my mom and sister had them also, didn't think much of them.

Later on, in the early 1980s, while my husband and I were living in Durango, CO, I also began attending the prayer meeting of an informal church that believed in healing, speaking in tongues, etc.

One day during the meeting, when we were worshiping God together, I turned to a young woman and touched her on the shoulder. A surge of what felt like electricity hit us, and she fell flat on the floor.

To my horror, I found myself laying hands on her head and saying, "Don't fear, daughter, by this time next year, you will have a son." She just lay there, crying, with her eyes closed.

I was in shock. She was just married and most US women I knew were on birth control, trying NOT to have babies. I fully expected her to tell me off, and to mind my business from now on.

Instead, she later told me that she'd had tube damage from an STD while still a teen, and had been told she'd never have a baby. She said that she and her husband had come to the prayer meeting explicitly to find people who believed in healing, and who would help them.

In the Bible, Jesus always told people it was their own faith that had healed them, so no doubt it was her faith that made me do that.

But, at the time, I was terrified. What had I done? I worried about it a lot, and later the couple changed churches and I lost track of her.

But about seven months later, I ran across her downtown and she was obviously pregnant, and told me it was a boy!

So, even though I've ditched church the jury is still out, in my mind, on a lot of stuff.

I have always had psychic powers, since birth, and had many "miracles" happen just from my deciding it would happen, without prayer or religious trappings. Those powers are the same, religion or not.

birdingnut 8 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh boy... well, birds are cool

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