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Georgia's Republican Candidate for Governor is Blocking 53,000 Voter Registrations, 70% Black

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As a Georgia resident, I feel Kemp, as the current Secretary of State of GA and Republican candidate for governor, should have removed himself from the process. It should be noted though that this appears to just be enforcement of a state law which, according to the AJC (Altanta Journal-Constitution newspaper), was passed last year.

On the bright side, there is this:
"The deadline to register to vote before Georgia’s election was Tuesday. The state now has has a record 6.9 million registered voters, including 253,902 new voters who signed up since April." -- from the AJC's article on this voter registrations on hold, [] .


Absolutely disgusting..these old white clueless men are so afraid of loosing thier grip on power OR even worse having to share it with a person of color.


The GOP candidate is Secretary of State who office controls voter registration. Previous Secretary of States here have stepped aside from their positions to run for office in order to avoid any impropriety.

32% of the population of the state is black, and 70% of those on the disputed list are black. ,

This is a tight race and 53,000 votes may make the difference.

cava Level 7 Oct 11, 2018

He couldn’t be more direct with his racism. ?


He is human scum. Period.


This is how the Republicans plan to stay in power until they find a way to initiate some sort of apartheid regime.


This is what is going to happen in most of the southern states I fear.


How do they keep getting away with this stuff?

They now have a 5-4 conservative majority on the Supreme Court. ?


We're need the voter rights act back in place. This is bullshit!

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