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I'm slowly making my way through the book, "The God Delusion." I really love the book so far. On my days off I like to read a bit of it. There are a lot of words I don't know and I have to Google the definitions. I am learning though. I'm on chapter 3 now. Let the reading commence!

Sarahroo29 8 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I read that book the God Dilusion by Richard Dawkins a few years ago.I also did not understand some of the words.and now I have read nearly all his books.


If you are on chapter 3, you've already caught his "The most unpleasant character in all fiction" description. Hilarious!!! (& accurate!)


Keep plugging away, well worth the time. I'd avoid Daniel Dennett for now but Sam Harris' "Letter to a Christian Nation" & Christopher Hitchens' "god is not Great" should help you, also!


His points are argued superbly


Richard Dawkins is amazing!


I love Richard Dawkins

What is your favorite Dawkins book?

@LEPeff For me it is "The Selfish Gene." What a revelation and tour de force! Dawkins in his scientific youth showing us that it doesn't matter how we want things to be - they are the way that they are because of evolution on the genetic level.

It was a revelation for me as a naive and impressionable college student.

That's a great book, but for a layman's perspective on evolution in a broad sense maybe "Climbing Mount Improbable" is a better bet.

Have you read the Greatest Show on Earth?@phxbillcee

Yep, think I've read most of his. (Gotta admit, not as wild about his autobiographies, but...).
He's great as an atheism promoter & science educator. Not quite as good as Sagan or Asimov in the science education field, but not bad at all!


I liked it but found it a touch incomplete. I suppose the eventual conclusion I agree with is that the chances of God to form spontaneously are lower than chances of a 747 coming into existence out of a pile of spare parts by random rearrangement.

Nevertheless, I have a couple of problems with his characterization. One is that the chances of a self reproducing molecule "RNA" coming into existence out of random rearrangements of amino acids is basically the same. So for life to exist on Earth, maybe God is still not ruled out.

Personally, I argue that science is progressing on the life problem and some ideas exist though they are by no means conclusive. Still, showing that we don't have an explanation for something doesn't meant that the solution is an omnipotent being we created in our mind's imagination.


Oh, yes!!! I don’t regret purchasing this book at all. Richard Dawkins is great.

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