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How do I turn off notifications for groups?

This site became a lot less enjoyable to use when I started getting swamped with notifications from groups I am part of. Now I have to dig through the notifications to find the things that actually matter to me. I've tried to find someway to turn them off, both in my personal setting and on the group in question. Maybe it is my own ignorance and there is a way to turn them off that I have not figured yet. Anyone? Do I have to leave all my groups to stop getting notified every time there is a post or reply? Super annoying. Really put me off this site. Help me out people....

Anemynous 7 Oct 15

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@Admin I don't think it is currently possible to turn off notifications from groups. I too like others who responded here, find it tedious to sort through notifications to fidn the ones that are comments/replies to me specifically. I think members woudl prefer better conrol over when groups send notifications, or shoudl be able to choose not to get any.

There is a way to turn off notification for the groups if you go in to each group you can find it in the upper right hand corner under "leave". However, I agree that there should be a universal template that each user can apply to all groups if they choose rather than having to change the settings on each one.


Good question.
You can just copy/paste this post to "Site and Customer Service" in the "category" box when you post it.


Oh! Good to know. I left the groups I was part of simply because of all the notifications.

I'm so glad this was useful for you! That's the only reason I left it up. 😉

Me, too!


on the groups main page there should be a button next to the Leave group button that says edit alerts. you can change it there without having to leave the group if you choose.

I figured it out, thanks brother! I was gone for awhile....


I found it friends... on the group page in upper right corner under "leave group". I answered my own question... but will leave it up in case it's useful to someone else.

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