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Why are these trump supporters still voting for these crooks.


May not be too smart of him to announce this right before the mid terms.

You'd think so, right.


Trickle up economics. Create a huge deficit with massive gifts to the moochers, looters, and rent seekers, then try to balance it by cutting the benefits of the makers and producers.


This make me sick.


This SOB makes me sick.


The Republican Party is the most dangerous existential threat to the American people on the planet. They are a worse threat than any foreign terrorist organization. They are a worse threat than any foreign army. We must overthrow this tyrannical party using our vote then we must impeach and prosecute those who have plotted against us.


Republican tax cuts for extremely wealthy people and increases in military spending are the reason for the increased national deficit.

Not "entitlements," as mean, greedy McConnell calls Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.


It’s ludicrous to think that entitlement spending must be reduced when the problem is interest payments on massive borrowing brought about by huge discretionary cuts to taxes and unbridled discretionary spending.

Most houses in this country are inhabited by people who pay for their fixed spending needs first, out of current income before they ever consider spending money they don’t have. The one exception to this rule are the Republican occupants of the two houses of Congress.

Instead of attacking non-discretionary spending, here are a couple of real savings ideas that will save money (though they may hurt the entitled rich):

  1. Don’t build an unnecessary and likely-to-be-useless wall.

  2. Quit spending millions to separate and house the children of illegal immigrants.

  3. Have the Republican Party reimburse the public for all of Trump’s campaign rallies.

  4. Tell the President that he actually needs to spend his weekends in the White House, instead of having the government pay to transport and lodge him and his staff et. al. In his properties... that alone would save many millions of dollars. Of course, it would also mean Trump couldn’t further enrich himself off the profits from doing so.

  5. Tell the cabinet level offices to reimburse the government for their illegal spending.

  6. Quit spending money in various federal agencies to create lies that justify reducing regulations that save the environment so corporations could earn an extra dollar.

  7. Take real steps to reduce healthcare costs instead of destroying Obamacare. Negotiate drug prices at the federal level. That alone would save huge sums of money.

  8. Collect taxes and interest on the millions in estate and income tax that Trump cheated from the federal government.

Add any you like in comments.

Oh, and I could I forget... rescind tax cuts on individuals making over $250,000 per year and on corporations until the deficit has been reduced below 2016 levels.

A fried also suggested ripping away free medical care and retirement plans from Congress and replace them with Social Security (for retirement) and government healthcare or Medicare (for medical insurance).




That's a bogus reason. The government prints money, and can make much more than they have already. They just want to kill us, because they fear us taking the power.


Such a slippery lot!


Also reprehensible. Can we just arrest these people for looting this country yet? The corruption could not be more obvious.

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