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Notice how when Roy Moore got his ass kicked, all the Christians who had been saying it was god's will that he would win, that they'd had visions, etc, didn't seem to be so chatty after the fact. I'm guessing they don't like the fact that apparently it was god's will that he lose lol.


You know...
Just when your faith in humanity slips...
A miracle like this is delivered.
Fucking priceless


LMAO....shit even I would give money for the billboard.


That woman has crazy eyes.

What woman GOPer doesn't? Haha


She used to seem out of the mainstream of the GOP. Now she fits right in...

Scary, huh?

@tioteo oh yah

It is pretty scary that the "fringe" is now considered to be a solid part of the right wing base.




This billboard is 2 miles from my house!

And you haven't taken epic pictures in front of it yet? You. You sir are doing yourself a great injustice. Get out there and snap some selfies in front of it.

I'm about 2 miles from the Westboro Baptist Church and see their members out protesting baby funerals and the like regularly. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing when used correctly.


Read this a couple of weeks ago. Michele Bachmann would be a perfect piece of shit to join Trumpty Dumpty's corrupt administration.

I'm surprised he hasn't offered her a cabinet position. He did Betsy DeVos.

Another piece of shit-lol. Knows nothing about education.

@tioteo Bachman doesn't have the money that DeVos has. You need to have a lot of money to be offered a cabinet position in Trump's administration, or at least that is the first "qualification" Trump considers.

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