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Why don't all the believers let "god" heal them instead of seeking help from someone who is scientifically trained? There is nothing worse than hearing someone praise an imaginary figure for their life that you just worked your ass off to save.

Kimberclimbs 5 Oct 21

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Yes, they’d kill all scientific inquiry given the opportunity … yet seek it’s military & medical applications without question.. As if they’d all taken the Hypocrite's Oath 😉

Varn Level 8 Oct 21, 2018

some of them do. that's why their children die needlessly.



They can’t help themselves....they utter these words without really thinking them through. I prefer to think of them as brainwashed rather that having any wish to denigrate the medical staff. From an early age they believe god is behind everything that happens and that includes the actions of people...doctors, nurses, medics, fire service workers, etc. I work in Food Bank, the food we distribute is donated by members of the public and charitably minded businesses and yet my co-volunteers persist in praising god for this food. When I raised this with them the answer was that god motivated the donors! You can’t argue with people who have a completely illogical mindset.

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