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LINK Why White Americans Love To Claim Native Ancestry | HuffPost

Romance? Legitimacy? Avoiding Guilt?

Krish55 8 Oct 21

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I don't know.....ask Elizabeth ?

Umm, the DNA results for Ms. Warren are out, and she is indeed part Indian. So you & Cheeto can STFU.

@AnneWimsey Classy....nice. You have a nice day too ?

@AnneWimsey Anyway 1/1024 is her percentage heritage. Since Cory Booker thinks Canada is more American than USA, perhaps Elizabeth Warren is more Canadian than American....who knows, crazy world....

@IamNobody i have had my DNA done, and no DNA service gives percentages less than 1%, so you, sir, are a bald-faced Liar. Like i said, you fit right in with Cheeto...

@AnneWimsey the info is posted on line, you can do your own research. No need to take my word for it. If you want to believe she is Cherokee then that's fine with me. Quite frankly I don't understand why you get so worked up about it. The original question is why white Americans love to claim Native ancestry and since Elizabeth Warren have just done that then my point is that this is a question for her, not every American. Again, you have a nice day

@IamNobody and it has Nothing to do with Cheeto mocking her and anyone else not, in his opinion, "pure"?

@AnneWimsey with all do respect, you are the one with TDS. You keep bringing him back into the conversation. I am not.


How many CHerokee princesses could there have been?

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