Post a photo of your job.
Here's a bathroom remodel I've been on longer than it looks like, so far.
I don't have a job, I am Retired for good. But I hobbied myself creating music... and why not? ...I also fancy with my feet to music.
You look like a fun guy. Not a fungi
@Indubitably Thank you.
We're not allowed to take photos there or to make videos. Sorry.
Wouldn't want to meet Aristotle in a dark alley. Did he star in Dune?
@BenPike They are amazing, only 2 layers of skin cells, females always have more sets of legs than males, each species has different numbers of legs, some lay eggs, some give birth to live young, some have eggs that hatch inside, some have sex organs, many don't, one species just slashes a hole in the body of the female, anywhere and inserts a pouch of DNA bearing material. They "lasso" their prey with sticky threads, most are smaller then my thumb. The one I talk about most, they male lacks external sex organs, so puts the dna material on his head and inserts that. Wonder what his mates call him? It is a peripatus, I call him Aristotle, he was the mascot for my last business. Aristotle was the peripatetic teacher, walked around while giving lectures, many say so that students couldn't ask questions.
That is a lot of work!
Been there and done that.
@Leutrelle For yourself or as work? Methods and materials are changing fast for tiled showers. I think I am still old school. I still build my own pans and durrock the walls over roofing felt. So far so good.
@BenPike For my self. I was a mechanic first cars then on the ag tractors and a welder and fabricator.
@Leutrelle that's a great list of skills. Fortunately I won't need any of them on this.