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LINK Nevada Voters, Republicans And Democrats, Are "Mad As Hell" (HBO) - YouTube

So much of this video resembles this site's political discussions.

chalupacabre 8 Oct 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel for some of these people but the biggest problem is that they want to hang onto party affiliation above any ability to use logic. I suggest that if your healthcare is important to you then you should vote for the party that is known to expand healthcare and not the ones that would take it away. Google it if you like but the GOP is known to take healthcare away and even though they are promising more right now, plans are in the works to balance the budget with more cuts to social security and medicare after the elections in November. If you do not believe that just look into things that Mitch McConnell said recently.

The Oregon candidate for governor keeps running ads, claiming to support pre-existing conditions and women's reproductive rights, even though he has a voting record to the contrary & is easy for his opponent to use against him. The Dilbert creator, Scott Adams told Sam Harris that Trump supporters absorb emotional appeal over facts. Seems to be a general GOP theme.

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