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So what is everyone doing today?

It is freezing cold here and my motivation level is frozen.
My boy and I are watching EPL football, daughter is working on a paper.

Crimson67 8 Feb 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Catching up with all my Emails & notices on here , at the expense of Facebook notices that have piled so high , I am tempted to do a purge if I can't get to it by tomorrow . I will still skimm thru before doing so though .

Dougy Level 7 Feb 4, 2018

Drive to Galveston to visit my father in law. Looks like he's doing better. Had a milk shake on the way home and had diarrhea an hour later... life is but a dream.... great drive doing 85 in the rain and people wanting to pass me.


This last Saturday (3/2/18) I did standup paddling on the lake, and later my latest sport of indoor climbing.
Indoor climbing is becoming a bit addictive as i get better and stronger at it. I can see new veins popping up in my arms this week 🙂

It's a lot of fun.
I actually bought my own harness and shoes last week too. I think of it as a lifestyle change.


Sleeping! Just.

Me, Too. Ate a big lunch then took a 6 hour siesta

@Gortzilla I go to bed late - 3am and am probably 17 hours in front of you. Yes granny naps after lunch are useful for catch up.8)


Just got back from a brew pub and getting ready to start a fire and veg out..
It's cold here too...


It's damn cold here as well. I got to relax this morning because judo was cancelled. I got a nice walk in this afternoon when I dropped my boy off at his music lesson. Now I have to work up the ambition to do some laundry.


Comparable. Doing nothing serious. Glad there is internet.

Gert Level 7 Feb 3, 2018

Just got done feeding the animals. It is eerily warm here today. I am out in a t-shirt even though the wind is like 20-30 mph. After laundry I will be carding fleece

II'm here in Summerland key Florida the temperature is 75° Sunny 10 mile an hour breeze I think I will go for a bike ride this afternoon

for artwork?

@hankster felting, weaving, crochet. I hope I can call it art

if your card in your own fleece, I would think there's enough love in it to make it beautiful art.

@hankster right now I have such a backlog it feels like a workout program

@btroje i have a few spoon orders myself. its the right kind of problem to

@hankster you make wooden spoons?

@btroje, yes, all kinds of stuff like that.

@hankster cool

lol...thank you.


Working. It's just another day to me.


so far, drinking coffee, watching rugby, ( don't understand all the rules) walked the dog, Its chilly here too.

I like that it's kind of faster than football. what is the All Black?

its rougher than football isnt it?

it doesn't necessarily look more violent just more like wrestling and Keep Away. the pads are minimal, but it doesn't look like to me it's as fast. players are larger and don't seem to have the speed some of those NFL players do.

@witchymom those fellas seem very neat.

@witchymom plural All Blacks


Just a normal Saturday for me, eating live geese.


Went to the grocery store, froze a little.
Now I'm home in my recliner wearing my favorite hoodie, with a blanket on me, with my laptop and watching MSNBC.


A relaxing day under the blankets here in south central Wisconsin watching Netflix where it actually warmed up a bit today but only because it’s sapose to snow ????


Working. But after tomorrow I'm off for a week! W00t!

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