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QUESTION Maya ruins discovered in Guatemala: Civilization was much vaster than known, thousands of structures reveal - The Washington Post

Thanks to LIDAR, this amazing find has totally changed how we do Maya (and other) archeology.

BookDeath 8 Feb 3

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The Native populations of the Americas were much larger, more interconnected, more sophisticated before Columbus than they thought a few years back.


I really love to hear this. The Mayan culture is fascinating. If you ever get chance to see them I highly recommend it. Here is a picture of that stone ring that they throw a ball through. I say having a site built for sports makes them an advanced civilization. Blow it up so you can see it🙂

@SteveB At least you can spell it🙂

@SteveB I want go again. Did you like the underground river with carved lime stone stairs going down to it? We went to another sight, but can't remember the name. I tried to up load picture but it didn't work. It was by the ocean.

I visited Tulum but was so rushed by the tour guide that I didn't feel done.


We know less than 10 percent of actual real history of the world. A lot of secrets hidden under mountains, mounds, inside jungles, under sands or ice and below water too.

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