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The Power Ball Is Tonight And Its $620 Million.

Lets Say You Win The Jackpot Tonight!
Name One Person You Would NOT Give A Penny and Tell Me Why........


twshield 8 Oct 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump would be up there as he does nothing but take even from his own so-called charities. The other one I hate to mention because it’s not that he’s a bad guy. Jeff Bezos, for as much money as he has does very little in the way of philanthropy and the only one of the super billionaires not to join that pact to donate half of thier wealth.


Never mind that I have about the same odds as winning whether I buy a ticket or not (which I did not)--if I won it would be just about everyone except my kids. I think I would use a lot of it to help women in Africa.

Carin Level 8 Oct 24, 2018
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