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Do you fear civil war in the USA? Why is all the rhetoric ramped up to such an extreme these days? Is it worse than the past, or is this just politics as usual?

OrangeJuice 6 Oct 26

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Don't fear civil war.

All the talk of civil war is made by the right wing. The left wing is like "huh" Wht are they talking about?" The right wing tends to think in dualities without considering all the things in between the extremes. So, they think of "war" a great deal and tend to describe events and situations in terms of war. Like the war on drugs and the war on religion. They see it as if you don't want (exactly) what they want, then they think you must want the exact opposite.

Yes, things are much worse than it once was. A part of this can be attributed toi Reagan endign the Fairness doctrine, which required opposing points of view in the broadcast media So, over the last 35 yersmost peopel only get one point of view or just one side of a story. That is how we as anation became so divided, because we no longer are exposed to more than one point of view.

In the above, please realize i am generalizing to help make the (simplified) point. There are almost always exceptions to any explanation.


The person holding the top office of our country is a very vile, fear monger, lying piece of crap but, if you study the history of our country you'll find there has been many of the same caliber as this AHole. Civil war? This piece of shit ain't worth my life. Is he yours?


I don't think we are anywhere near that right now, but if we keep going down this current path it's very likely at some point in the future.....


Invocking Martial Law would make Cheeto in charge for life!


i'm scared it might happen


The possibility isn't off the table. This isn't politics as usual at all.

If it does happen, we've got a little historical precedent to figure out who's going to win. For a long time I assumed the far-right would die off with the baby boomers. But when extreme nationalism, like cancer, takes root like this, there is usually only one solution. Cut it out.

Do I think it will happen? No. It's not super likely. We all get dramatic from time to time, but there is still hope for civility and reason to prevail.


It's worse. There is, for the first time, an avowed white nationalist in the white house, with all the accompanying rhetoric that comes with him.

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