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What is going to take until changes are made?

CeciRosane60 7 Feb 4

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I think we need to control guns like cars. Licensed, insured, have to pass a class to get a license, have to update the government on them regularly.


I have been saying for years that gun ammunition needs regulation and background checks. I read that California is trying that, but haven't heard anything since the new laws went into effect.


Sorry, but I believe in gun ownership.

I believe in RESPONSIBLE gun ownership. Licensed, insured, and regulated.

@HippieChick58 I am licensed, and guns are regulated. I am not sure what you mean by insured?

@Leutrelle I would like to see mandatory liability insurance on all guns.

@HippieChick58 I guess I don't see the point of having liability on a gun. Maybe liability on the gun owner.

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