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LINK What to Do When You Feel Let Down by Someone

I thought this was wise advise. I need to remind myself of this more.

bleurowz 8 Oct 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I particularly like the advice to always be good to yourself. Throughout my life, only one person has reliably affirmed and supported me, and that's me. If you have that, no one can take it from you, and you'll never be desperate for other's approval.


I think that it's missing an important component. Sometimes when someone lets you down it should be a lesson that you should not count on that person. You need to pick and choose what types of relationships you have with which friends.


Don't let anyone to have that power over you


It's easy to forget the good someone brings into my life when I'm hurt, however, i try to focus on the good and try to put myself in their shoes so I hopefully understand their position. I forgive quickly and often. Probably more than I should, but people are human.



I generally consider it par for the course and just a normal event.


Ignore it and go on with life and look at the bright side. You might not know what caused the letdown and it might have been a honest mistake.


I’m an optimist but don’t expect perfection. I’m an easy going person and treat everything as a learning experience. I don’t get too wrapped up in the hurt. If it didn’t work out, it wasn’t supposed to and I move on.


Bury them in the backyard? O_o


I've tried to handle this kind of disappointment using the tough but fair approach. I will always give someone the benefit of the doubt and a second chance, once. If the disappointing behavior continues, I try to hold no ill will, but also reduce contact. Hanging on to anger is never a good idea, but exposing yourself to continual betrayal is foolish.


according to some experts we make 35 000 decisions a day. (
Our entire life experience is based on micro decisions. Life's complicated. We are what we decide to do. Every decision leads to more dilemmas to decide.
We can't always get it right, then add on top the fact that shit happens.


I get out the wax and pins and make voodoo dolls. Just kidding. I play soul music and swear a lot until the shame of having my high expectations disappointed again fades away.


I remember the moment I felt existentially alone, but cannot remember how old I was. I was young, perhaps ten. I didn't know it was called existential loneliness for many years, but I felt as if everyone who mattered had let me down, except Mom. That was denial, she let me down too, but I didn't realize it till years later. It wasn't malicious, just human nature and cultural incompetence. Fundamentalists are delusional with rituals like compulsions that occupy time without being useful. Some, like snake handling, are actually dangerous. Though, none of my family were that crazy.


This is a very insightful article. Thank you for sharing.


Good advice


When I am right with myself,I usually do not get upset. It also depends on the person.


I let them own it whether they know it or not.

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