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Ever been so attracted to someone...and had it all melt away almost instantly when they started talking about some supernatural woowoo they believe in?

Happened to me when she started saying she could heal people by hovering her hands over them in the right way.

imnotdavid 5 Feb 5

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Maybe it's Maybelline.

It's a trap!

That's where they get you. πŸ™‚


Long story, short...cute guy, rehab, 30 days, came out like he popped out of the glory oven. Now his FB posts are about Jesus and praying. It takes a sick sonofabitch to prey on people when they’re at their lowest.


Hahaha! Yup!
As soon as she started talking about Jesus, my reaction was immediately "Uh, huh... That's nice. Excuse me a second." Walked away from her and started talking to someone else.
In my mind I was like "Not this shit again"


For me it was not necessarily supernatural stuff, it was the anti-vaxing comments and conspiracy theories purported in the anti-vaxing community.

Ugh. The worst...I can relate.


Just a couple of weeks ago, actually. I was at a friend's bar. I'm a stone cutter, and noticed a wire wrapped pendant on a woman I found attractive. I started a conversation with her about the stone and instantly she started in on the mystical properties of various stones. The worst part was I politely tried to end the conversation several times and she just would not leave me alone. It took nearly 20 minutes before her friends came and claimed her.

d_day Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

I dated a good man who was studying to become a shaman. Among a very few other things, his belief that shaman leaders could turn a glass of poisoned water clean by their meditation practice was one of the biggest turnoffs. There is no magic.

What should you do if you meet Buddha on a road?

I would have asked him to change some water, and then drink it , to show that it works !


Fairies in the veggy patch. did it for me


Idk about just atttaction, my entire opinion of the person declines.





Knock on door. Young man in sharp suit, accompanied by the most genuinely jaw-dropping, heart-stoppingly GORGEOUS girl I had seen in years.

Oh My God (not that he exists), she was mind-numbingly fabulous.

God squad - wanting to convert me to their 'true faith'.

I invited them in for coffee - not for HIM, of course, purely for HER.

But they talked - and she turned out to be a morally judgemental, self-deceiving, righteous, bigotted fuckwit. Face, figure, legs, clothing style, hair, eyes ... all solid 10 out of 10. Yet the words that came out of her mouth shattered all the first impressions. She was ... well ... crushingly disappointing.


Mention Toffler at a seance. Great fun.


I dated a Buddhist and she is a lovely girl and still a friend but when we'd watch the news and something terrible had happened she'd brush it off by saying "Oh, that's their karma - that dead child must have done something really bad in a previous life - let's hope her next life is better" ... I just thought I had to get out. That and the reliance on checking star charts or her love for watching programmes about "mediums" ( aka. "charlatans" ). It was all looking so good at the start and I thought "Buddhism isn't all that bad - it's pretty scientifically compatible" ... but it's the interpretation and all the woowoo that comes along with a person who signs their brains over to faith.



Supernatural woo woo always turns me off. Right away. Few exceptions


Yes, I had one go on about being a reiki healer, next.
Last year a religious nutter, next


Went out with a guy who seemed super sweet and was very attractive. As soon as he started yammering on about how he has β€œexperienced other dimensions” he lost me. The conspiracy theories and Illuminati talk came next. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

Amie Level 3 Feb 5, 2018

One of my friends dated a guy who believed every conspiracy out from flat earth, to the moon landing to his neighbour house being a porthole to hell. She didn't mind him being like that but I did and vehemently objected to the relationship. I couldn't let her breed with him. Friends don't let friends date these nut cases.


My last girl friend was into that wholistic mumbo jumbo. It was ok at first, but eventually it got so bad that she gave up on modern medicine almost completely. Which is fine for her, but not her 3 kids, they need a real doctor.


Yeah, "people poison their kids with vaccines." was all I needed to hear.

JimG Level 8 Feb 5, 2018

Oh yeah. My recent ex wife.
She got upset when I moved her special rocks with their magic vibrations.

It just went from bad to worse after that.


Sounds like your instincts kicked in to protect you. It could have been more difficult if it came to light after you had become more committed to the relationship. Stay safe.


Yes, I am not down with dating a religious believer. Once I hear you believe in a magical sky man, I am turned off.


yes i have


Only if their woowoo Is supernatural..


I did before. Thought a woman beautiful, until she opened her mouth. While that may sound bad of me, what she said was worse. She started talking about her fantasy beliefs(religion). Then she no longer looked beautiful, proving that beauty is skin deep. If the person is a monster inside, it reflects on the outside. The trouble is those that hide it better. So be careful. And that goes to everyone. Never judge a book by its cover, but its contents.


I honestly automatically assume everyone is a god-fearing slave. It enables me to observe behavior so I don't go in and walk out disappointed in myself. I assume you're the worst possible match for me so I can be given the element of surprise if it's there. If it's not, neither of us really loses anything. That's just me though.


She was telling you she could get your tiny spirits out...
Careful she doesn't shoot her eye out though!


Yessss!!! And since almost everyone I meet believe in some supernatural, I am always turned off and therefore still single... :/ My heart dropped for you reading the part about her healing ppl hahaha!

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