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Are religious people, those who believe in God generally happier?

Speaking form my own upbringing, my mother is devoutly christian/protestant to this day. She didn't have the happiest of marriages with my father, but always felt comfort in her religious beliefs and that seemed to carry her through.
As a child I was carried along for the ride and followed it blindly, to the point where my older sister used to joke about her brother, the minister.
That all changed in a big way during my teen years when I began to think and see the hypocrisies present in the religion and its followers. I became disillusioned and left the church. I've been a self-proclaimed Agnostic ever since, as Merriam-Webster defines it. My life has not always been happy since, and I've questioned much since those days. It does seem the devout find comfort and generally live happier lives, however blindly.
What is your take? Were you once religious, or followed a religion you gave up on? Do you believe your life has been made better or worse for that decision?

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bbrich57 5 Feb 5

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a valid argument can be made that the religious do not even have faith in God though; as the OT more or less demonstrates? It is the religious who are condemned!



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