Idea stolen from @rockarol: I prefer kind Christians to hateful atheists.
I do know kind Christians. But as far as I can tell I've only met one hateful Atheist. It was on here a week or so ago. I reported him and I haven't seen him since.
In almost any group, you will find both types. In my mixing with christians, found most to be kind, but certainly a part that were hateful. In my humanist group, there aren't any hateful atheists. Yes, I know, it is a small sample (about 30). I work at doing random acts of kindness.
You question is dripping with bias. It is akin to asking, would you prefer a delusional religious person or a rational atheist? How you word a question is important.
Disagree on "bias." I'm not asking delusion vs rational, but rather pleasant and delusional vs unpleasant and rational.
@phil21 Sure. But the question is not unemotionally stated and tends to lead to a specific answer, therefore biased. If you asked, would you prefer pleasant and delusional vs unpleasant and rational? Then it's not biased.
@shockwaverider OK, I think I'm understanding you, now. It is kind vs. hateful that is biased. Agreed. I know I hate those letters from my congressman that say to you favor the United States being the greatest country in the world, or do you like Democrats.
Sorry, been a long time since any stat class.
Yep, any day of the week including sunday but sunday always been a day off for me kindness included.
With appreciation to the poster of this this topic to facilitate discussion:
Responding to loaded questions/statements like this can be challenging.
see: Red Herring
Red herring: an error in logic where a proposition is, or is intended to be, misleading in order to make irrelevant or false inferences.
Not intended to mislead, nor am I making inferences.
I believe there are Christians who are kind, well-meaning folks.Just wrong on a central issue. And there are atheists who are jerks, but correct regarding deities.
Actually Friedrich Nietzsche in his book said:
Christianity is a religion of hate and is a morally lazy religion.
The Genealogy of Morals
That's a "hmmmmmm."
Now that's an interesting point. I think about the last election, and wonder how so many can have hate as a motivation (on both sides, to paraphrase one bloviator). Hatred of "Her" vs hatred of "The Other". So an interesting turn of this thread would be "Is kind overrated when there's a subconscious hatred involved". I've know people who are "Christian" and I thought kind, but later find they have racist beliefs. They would have you believe they bear no ill will, but om my book it's still hatred. So are they "kind" ? I think not.
Uh ya. Kind over hateful. Generally though it's hateful Christians and kind atheists but there are douchebags everywhere