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What do you do to help curtail negativity bias?

Research shows that our view of the world has a tendency to tilt towards the negative --- that it's far easier to shift from positive to negative than negative to positive. We have to work harder to see the upside of things. This is known as negativity bias. Even when of equal intensity, things of a more negative nature (e.g., unpleasant thoughts, emotions, or social interactions; harmful/traumatic events) have a greater impact on our psychological state and processes than neutral or positive things. We are very vulnerable to being frightened, to fear. Negative stimuli produce more neural activity than positive stimuli.

Our brains have evolved to look for the negative first, and evolutionary-wise this has helped our ancestors survive and pass on their genes, but negativity bias has a downside. For example, political smear campaigns outpull positive ones. Nastiness seems to make a bigger impact on our brains. The media knows about negativity bias and uses it to their advantage. $$$ The news can greatly impact our thought-life, and we tend to forget that our thoughts are not the facts of our life and that’s how we encourage negative thoughts to engulf our mind.

Negativity bias can have a significant impact on our relationships, too. Researchers charted the number of times couples spent arguing vs. interacting positively. It turns out that there's a specific ratio that exists between the amount of positivity and negativity required to make cohabitation satisfying to both partners. Five to one. It takes five times as many positive feelings and interactions between partners as there are negative for the relationship to thrive and survive.

Primed to go negative, the amygdala (two little almond-shaped regions in each hemisphere -- see image) uses about two-thirds of its neurons to scan for bad news. Once it sounds the alarm, negative events, news and experiences get quickly stored in memory. In contrast, positive events, news, and experiences need to be held in awareness for much longer before they're stored in memory. Information from our senses reaches our amygdala almost twice as fast as it takes to get our frontal lobes (executive function - critical thinking). The speed of these different brain signals means that we can overreact while waiting for the frontal lobes to catch up to figure out the right response or reaction. In the meantime, unnecessary stress hormones can be released, which can lead to health problems.

I have learned through the years that I have to practice a lot by means of personal experimentation and observation to curtail negativity bias. It takes a lot of mental energy and discipline to not succumb to the default setting. I can easily slip back into a negative mindset if I'm not aware, and that's simply bad for my mental health and overall well being. So, I regularly take mini mind vacations, unplugging from the news and drama. I will take time to listen to music that's upbeat and/or brings back happy memories. I'll visualize, often with EDM (electronic dance music) that has a brainwave entrainment effect. I'll dance alone. I'll even kick back in my recliner and do an actual brainwave entrainment session. Being in nature, especially at the beach, helps to reset my outlook. I'll think about the things I'm grateful for, yada, yada, yada.

What do you do to help get unstuck from negativity?


VictoriaNotes 9 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Tai Chi, going for walks with the dogs, going away to festivals in my van so I can unhook from the matrix


No, ma'am. I can't say I don't analyze important decisions wherein I have to consider the negative as well as the positive. It would be foolish and naive not to, but I do not dwell in the negative, nor is it the first thing to come up. I prefer to be positive or at least not negative in all things. This way of thinking has been a help in navigating some difficult times.


it just came to me that i never wanted to be anyone else, never envied a living or dead person, my default state of being one of gratitude for what i am & have. i feel very fortunate in that. no constant focus on the global events, instead a love for every being i encounter, everything i experience. grassroots wisdom 😀


Practice practice practice looking for the good


I keep happy. Just waking up is worth a celebration. When it 's raining: free water for my garden. When the sun shines: free heat for my house. When the clouds gather: free shade for my lawn. When the cold wind blows: free chills to energize my soul. When it snows: free frosting for nature's awesome three layer cake. You can't get me down and I will always try to pull you up. Look me up on your way down. Even country music can't make me frown!

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