clinton got 89 percent of the black vote (and won the popular vote overall by almost three million). this video is bullshit. hillary won the black vote by miles. [] oh and someone doesn't know an ironic JOKE when they hear one. do you not know what an EYE ROLL means? how naive can you be? or... are you spreading propaganda on purpose? (and to what effect? she's not even running for anything!)
@twshield the video is real in and of itself. it doesn't portray what it purports to portray. the black vote's being down in NO WAY equates with hillary's having lost the african american vote. she simply didn't. not at all. the number i quoted quashes that concept. obviously most people knew it was a joke, and it wasn't a racist joke either; it was an ironic joke. she was being sarcastic, not stupid.
@twshield hillary lost because the electoral college is skewed. she won the damned popular vote. she was right about the deplorables and that was an awfully mild word considering how they turned out to be. i think people who think hillary lost because she was a terrible politician should not make stupid comments. the original post's headline is a stupid and untrue comment.