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Do men ever find women with short hair attractive?

Kelkat 5 Feb 6

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66 comments (26 - 50)

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Of course we do. My late wife had short hair. It suited her.


Yes, for shure. It's what I personally prefer but do whatever you like with your hair like I still think Mohawks are sexy.


Yes, as long as they are a loving person


Eh of course, Sinead O’connor Singing nothing compares to you, simply beautiful


Short hair is OK but I prefer full Hollywood!


I actually prefer women with short hair. So many women tell me that's unheard of -- that men only like women with long hair. Not me. That long hair just gets in the way of my nuzzling their bare necks. 🙂


Personally I'm not a fan of short hair on a lady but it's not going to make or break things for me.

Daveo Level 2 Apr 10, 2018

How we wear our hair or the clothes we choose to wear is personal choice just as who we find attractive or he features we find attractive. I like a beard on a man but it must be well trimmed, someone with poor grooming habits is a total turn off but a man who is well groomed and clean is attractive regardless of his actual build and facial features.


I sure do. But to be honest it all depends on the woman and how it looks on her. But for the most part I find woman with short hair pretty sexy!!!


I love short hair on women. Many times, I even prefer it. I think some women look better with short hair and others look better with long hair. It's all about how you carry yourself.


I do.


99% of the time, My hair is longer


Yes, but more attracted to long hair.
I have a crush on the character, not the actress though, go figure. I think a big part is the character is extremely intelligent. I had a neighbour who looked similar with same haircut and yes was attracted to her, sadly neighbour turned out to be a man hating asexual Jehovah's witness.


Yes, but just like any other style, it has to work for that person.


Yes though personally I prefer longer hair. But as I've said that's just a preference. In.general some men like one thing, some like another and some don't care either way. Would I not be interested in a woman because of the length of her hair? No. Personality? Hygiene? Intelligence? There are far more important things to look for in my opinion.

Kmohr Level 3 Feb 6, 2018

Why yes, yes they do, or at least some of us




Besides the practicality of it, any short hair, from shoulder length to clipper cut to bold can be extremely attractive. Some carry it good, some do not.
Anny Lennox from Eurythmix was a good example. I normally am not keen on blonde and short, but she is just amazing.

Beyky Level 3 Feb 6, 2018

In my opinion, which means nothing... women look better with medium length hair.


Dorothy Hamill. Enough said.


Of course they do. Especially when you have the face to pull it off.


Yes, definately.


I don't mind short hair, its a boys hair cut like short back and sides I would struggle to find attractive, or bald. Don't think anything less of these women as people, Its just I suppose you can't help what you find attractive

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