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LINK 3 Signs you’ve Met your Twin Flame - YouTube

Any believers out there?

Capricorn 6 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I have had someone tell me that a recurring visitor in my dreams was a twin flame. I honestly don't know what to think.

Hmm, do you know the person in your dreams in real life?

I have never seen her before.

@Holysocks whoa well I hope she manifest herself into your life ?


Ohh the soul mate...We due to evolution almost always find some one to love. It is in our nature to want to breed. Sorry to put it so harshly.If we wish to romanticize our instincts we come up with soul mates. I am glad you are very happy, but I personally count it a woo.

I've never been a huge believer however I've definitely met a man who speaks to my soul so....

@Capricorn That is great and I am happy for you. I just see no evdence for predestination or that there is any agent in control of who is meant for whom. Best wishes!


This one is easy, this is pure fiction, it could be real, but how could anyone know. The only way to know, you would have to die to gain the knowledge, if it requires a enlightened mind to gain the knowledge, than it is theory or conjecture.

Good point... however I absolutely feel like I've met him in another life & I'm just now remembering I already know him (in this life) if that makes any sense at all lol



That's so refreshing, I truly believe I've met mine
but boy is it frightening lol

@Capricorn yes it is!

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