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So I was thinking a bit this morning and I would like to point out something that we all tend to do that is very much against the rational discourse we enjoy here.

This is a much bigger problem elsewhere, but we can do better here and then take that with us, right?

The behavior is labeling people.

Before you apply some sort of label to a person, stop and thing a while and consider if there is a better way to organize your speech.

Taking a group of individuals and applying a rubber stamp label against them cripples your ability to interact with them in a meaningful way.

As soon as the label hits the communication medium, post there goes any discourse

For example calling someone a "bible thumper" No one is going to listen to your dialog when you call them a bible thumper. It simply evokes a negative emotional response. Useful only if you want to start a fight.

Just because I vote for a democrat doesn't mean I am for every little policy they make; my reasons are my own.

Calling someone a libtard or trumpanzie is just making the problem worse, not better.

We (humans) and (us, agnostics) can and should do better than this.

arnies 7 Feb 6

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Totally agree, except, sorry, trumpanzee stays....the TRUTH is not always polite!


I totally agree ...

except for Flattard, 🙂


I find this particularly prevalent whist discussing Israel. My ex and daughter are Jewish and subsequently I have a friend left from that relationship that is a zionist. Whenever any criticism comes up in the media a charge of anti-semitism is labeled at the critic. I find it so hard to reach out to her and say that the best way to get your point of view across is not by calling the other person a racist but to listen, take in what there are saying and then point out where they may be mistaken.

It's true for both sides, really. Calling someone names never helps begin a dialog, really.

@arnies You are only saying that because your a Libra 😉

@273kelvin Actually a Capricorn, but all that stuff is pure horsecrap.

@arnies I know hence the 😉


I think a few people could still learn. First, they need to learn the difference of right and wrong. I have not yet given up on the human race. Nice post.


Labels can be a convenient shorthand. But I agree that it should be done with thought and humanity. Also, people self-label. I'm a skeptic and proud of it.


I think you make a great point. I think people spend way too much time and energy focusing on labels. And not enough time getting to the source of an issue. I see it alot. Often when a person makes an argument (either good or bad) the responce they get begins with something like "your just a ......." rather than attempting to express why they found the argument unconvincing.


This mantra runs on a constant loop in the back of my mind. But it's still not enough. I need to give myself some more challenging homework assignments on this subject if I ever hope to graduate...




trumpanzie. Hadn't hard that before.


There was a posting by @Corvus just 7-10 days ago stating the same thing.


I'd add to this and ask the wonderful and rational people here on this great site to remember to be better. Constructive dialog = yes!! I answered a post earlier and got called "preachy." Really?? C'mon.

@Akfishlady No worries. I worry too much about being pedantic. 🙂 It's all good.


I don't mind being labeled, as long as it's accurate.


Can I tag you as being rational?

gater Level 7 Feb 6, 2018

You are spot on. I mean, I like to label people when I talk to myself or husband, and we laugh about some of our terms. (Watschengesicht: someone asking to be slapped in the face) but it really does not help dialogue. On the other hand: some people , it seems, you can't have much of a dialogue with, even with all the will and openness of an angel. I have to admit, I rather walk away than try.


I am guilty of labeling, as much as I detest being labeled.
A few days ago, a poster asked "what is your hypocrisy?", and I said that I still eat meat.
I think this one is much worse. I really do need to work on that.

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