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QUESTION Compassion for animals

Second and final try

btroje 9 Feb 6

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I love corgis! They are adorable!


I am an animal activist. There is too much needless abusive killing for the sport of it. I mean there is really sport in chasing a rabbit down and shooting it. Especially if you are not going to eat it. I think the Trophy killers should be charged with a crime and ought to have to work out community service and pay a hefty fine. I want thosee endangered species to be around for other generations to enjoy.


How cool is that? I like wife too.


SentIence and specIesIsm needs to be a requIred course of study early In one's formatve lIfe to produce more transcedent levels of compassIonate and humanIstIc conscIousness!!!!!!!!!!!!


humankind is but one species of animal.


I also love animals, but conversely I kill hundreds of them each year in the name of science and conservation - most of what I study can't be identified without taking specimens and putting them under a microscope.

Strangely, it seems to be the case that Society doesn't value flies very highly because whenever I tell passers by that my net is for catching them they laugh and tell me to take as many as I want - just so long as I'm not catching pretty butterflies (they seem to have a good PR agent). But actually I very carefully make sure that I don't kill anything that I don't absolutely need to take to identify it, for research. I also usher flies and wasps out of my house and don't swat them ... love is a strange thing.

tell me some good things about the flies

@btroje flies consume carcasses and quickly, imagine the stench on the highways waiting for bacteria to consume all the roadkill without help from flies. We use fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster in genetic experiments as the generations are so brief we can determine changes quicker then we can in longer lived species of animals.

@btroje They're an incredibly diverse group - we have 7000+ species in the UK. They include vast numbers of detritivores & carrion-feeders, which break down rotting and dead things; they include the midges - one of which is the only known pollinator for cocoa; flower flies and many other nectar-feeding groups are very important pollinators - possibly better than bees; Plenty of predators such as robber flies and empidoids, which catch and eat other insects. My group, the parasite flies, attack the larvae of a lot of moth & beetle larvae (eventually killing them) and this means they are important bio-controls on crop pests. Of course flies also include the mosquitoes & horse/deer flies (mammal blood feeders), bot & warble flies (sub-dermal parasites of mammals), fruit flies and crop pests etc. so they aren't all good but most are benign and form a vital part of the ecosystems around us 🙂


I vote that it looks like a polar bear. neat.

so you could see this one? my first attempt was a fail

yeah, i think 2 tries ain't sometimes you just gotta punt.

If it is a polar bear it is up to you to save him. I stop at dogs

ya know, it's looking a lot more like a dog now.


Yas, I do have compassion for animals

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