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QUESTION Koch Brothers Planning Right Wing Take Over of Judicial System.

This is why Republican refused to confirm 100's of Federal judicial appointments in the last years of the Clinton and Obama administrations. In return republican senators got compaign donations from the Koch's.

snytiger6 9 Feb 6

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I think they are done planning and are now executing their plan. I wish someone had a plan to execute them.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 6, 2018

They already started taking over the higher education system. These people, along with most politicians, hate the good American ideals and values.


I have thought this for some time! Just study the Kochs for a few years and you know they want control! We can't even boycott their products...they own so many of the company's who's products we use everyday.


Look at the right wing unqualified nut jobs that Trump is trying to install...

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