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QUESTION Creationist Ken Ham Freaks Out After Being Called Out For Child Abuse

(The real intellectual child abuse is when atheists like Stone, Nye & Krauss attempt to brainwash children in their *religion of atheism & its consequences of a worldview based on moral relativism–no wonder so many turn to drugs, sex, violence, suicide)

Ham’s angry rants are filled with the typical conservative Christian bigotry and propaganda one might expect. Ham is simply railing against atheists and anybody else challenging his deeply flawed and misguided understanding of the world.

Bottom line: By teaching children that creationism is a legitimate scientific theory that disproves the theory of evolution, Ken Ham is engaged in a deplorable form of intellectual child abuse.

 Atheism is considered a religion, like Not Smoking is considered a Habit, and Not Collecting Stamps is considered a Hobby.

zblaze 7 Feb 6

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The man is a total Aussie chauvanist for His form of Christianity..a true P.O.S


Ham is WAY over his head challenging Krauss or even Nye. I for one would love to see him attempt a face to face debate with a REAL scientist. I'll make a prediction: Ham will one day be indicted for fraud, it's what he does (and is) and eventually he'll be caught.


BUT - on the other hand ...

I have read of Hundreds of kids who dropped the nonsense when they could, BECAUSE they got so hassled by the Bible monkeys.


As to that last thought, atheism sometimes ought to be treated like a religion. Not always. But in my world, courts treat atheism as a religion -- for instance, it's equally as legally wrong to fire someone for being an atheist as it is to fire someone for being a Muslim, and for the same reason.

Rather than quibble over semantics, I'll recognize that your grasp of the big picture here is correct.

If you wish to contemplate the issue deeper, consider that the Constitution offers two legal phrasings: the Free Exercise Clause (here, atheists have no religion to exercise) and the Establishment Clause (here, atheists have standing to object to governmental support of religion). These relate to how the government interacts with religion, or "creed" as you describe it.

In the private sphere, there are prohibitions in anti-discrimination law against denial of public accommodations, denial of housing, and imposition of adverse employment decisions. Again, religion is equated with "creed" in most cases.


Ken Ham is a degenerate douchebag.


God, I hate this man!!! I’m just tempted to go on Twitter and fuck with him by asking: “Where did Cain’s wife come from? Does this mean we’re not all descendants of original sin since his wife obviously didn’t come from Adam & Eve?”

@AxeElf If one did believe that A&E were real, it should be obvious to them that Cain's wife did come from them, and was his sister.....or his daughter from his mother!!

@zblaze then the Bible needs to be a little more clear about things. If the Bible has to speak in code and hide things then god was an idiot inspiring people to write it and not make it to where people could understand. I don’t like to think my whole life and existence is supposed to be based off of paying back a man, who came back from the dead two thousand ago or whatever, especially when it wasnt even a real sacrifice since he came back, only to go to Heaven with his dad/himself.

@DeeTee lol I sure will.


I hope even the dim-witted Ken Ham realizes the difference between a theory and a scientific theory.

He most definitely does not. Not even on his best day.

@TheMiddleWay I think I remember someone during one of those q & a's referring to him as Mr. Ham. They were corrected by him saying, "it's Dr. Ham". So if he's got some kind of science degree where he would consider himself a doctor, he's at least been educated regarding the difference between theories though this may be one of those educated without comprehension cases or he may have one of those alternative education diplomas. I agree with you on everything but aliens. We have organisms here on Earth purposely set loose in space which had no problem surviving. The key ingredients for life are also among the most abundant elements found in the universe. Alien life forms are inevitable, whether or not they find habitable places for a period long enough to evolve and become capable of coming here is another story. If there are aliens intelligent enough of visiting us, I'd guess they'd also be intelligent enough of avoiding us.


He's just pissed that the ark park isn't putting billions in his wallet.

And that’s a good thing! It looks like god has forsaken him.

I'm sure if there is a god, he probably
thinks that Ken Hamm is kind of a dick.

@webbew1 yeah or she.


What total and unmitigated bullshit Ham is spouting! This pisses me off...


Too bad Ken Ham isn't more evolved. I agree that it's child abuse.

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