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Has anyone else seen and understands the double slit experiment?

Skyjr1990 3 Feb 6

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I know about it. I'm not sure if anyone truly understands it though. It demonstrates some bizzare features of physics that are still very much a mystery to scientists.


Yes and yes.


It's all about quantum entanglements.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 7, 2018

I haven't seen it performed, read about it in physics several books. They shine a beam of light on a screen about 3' from a wall, as the light hits the wall it sets up 2 circular patterns on it at the same time thereby showing the duality of lights nature as both a wave and beam and that it does pass through Both slits at the Time..


Just read "The Grand Design" By hawking and Mlodinow. Tgey explain it well. It will also give you new thoughts about "Creation"


it was covered in my physics classes. Cool stuff.

Shot one photon at a time and you still get the pattern of shooting two light sources.


I find it fascinating that electromagnetic radiation doesn't behave in a wave form unless it's actually being observed. Kind of brings new meaning to the "if a tree falls in a forest" quandry.

It just goes to show how much we have yet to learn when it comes to quantum physics.


There is a lot of difficult and surprising stuff in quantum theory. The double slit experiment is a good introduction to it.


Of course. Wave particle duality.


yes you will find there called a woman lol

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