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Interesting read that gives a clear example of why trying to bring reason and logic to some believers is beyond hopeless ...

Long , but most compelling.


evergreen 8 Feb 7

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I am very proud of the fact I have NEVER "converted" anyone to Atheism. To do so requires brainwashing emotional harassment and guilt manipulation. Believers feel. We Atheists think. Constantly confronting believer feelings for their alleged gotts or fears of alleged devil hell burning is fighting fire with fire. Demanding believers accept guilt for the religious harm inflicted upon others only provokes their forgiveness salvation cult ideation. I just won't do it to a stranger or my religious siblings. ....they have rights to be wrong.
More than a waste of time ....onlookers are bound to equate Atheism as cult versus cult activity. I save my time to fight criminal theocrats in public office. I will blow off any believer but not break my stride walking by. If they follow physically I call cops charging xians with stalking


As a man born in that period and raised in the rural South, I can testify that every word in the article is true. We CANNOT let the ignorant and racist religiosity of both the southern culture and of evangelical Christianity poison our politics and run the future of our democracy. We must hammer this issue at those segments until they finally wake up and fly right.


Yeah, this is a reprinted story I read a couple of months ago.

The guys nails it down perfectly, the questions is what do we do about it?

There's more of us than there are of them. We NEED to get every person who is not a White Christian fundie to go out and vote, AND we need to end political gerrymandering and other voter suppression efforts by the opposition.

If not, I fear for the future of this country.


You can’t reason with the religious nuts. They often get mad if you even suggest there’s an alternative to their religion. To much indoctrination I guess.

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