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Those of you that are in a relationship with a theist or non-agnostic, what has been the most awkward part?

dkopp2 2 Nov 8

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First of all, I am gay. My first boyfriend ws Catholic, although he never went to church, never paid any adherence to religon at all. When I made soem remark about the Pope he went ballistic. The relationship didn't last after that.

It is best toi find otu about their religious views before you get in too deep.


it's mostly okay. he believes there is a god. he has no clue what kind of god; he hasn't read the (jewish) bible, and he is shocked whenever i read him bits because it's so ridiculous. when i want to cut him short i just say "talking snake." he honors his parents on their yahrzeit. let him. he's not hurting anyone. he doesn't like it when i say i am an atheist; well, he knows i am, so i don't have to announce it every minute, but sometimes i tell him about something i found here on this site, and i think he is kind of processing that. he has alzheimer's. i pick my battles.


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