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If you met god after you died, what would you tell him?

Richard Dawkins was asked this question. He replied he would ask god this question: "why did you take such great pains to conceal yourself and to hide away from us?!"

What would be your question from god?

Aralt 7 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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35 comments (26 - 35)

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That cannot happen in my death.


Can I do that again?


What's up with shit? Your followers like to say we exist because of your intelligent design, do think it was intelligent to design mammals that produce their own toxic waste? And the stink, geez. Why can't we humans shit like rabbits do? Tiny pellets. Why couldn't you design us to only take in
enough calories to exist without all this extra fat you moron? And what's up with the way you designed us to reproduce? Do you just hate women? About that stretching the pussys to the size of a fucking human head? You couldn't have designed the birth deal so kids came out sooner and way smaller?
Explain bleeding pussys every month and what did you think menopause was going to accomplish? And what's with this tiny dick you dick?


If you're talking about our Higher Consciousness, the universe, collective energy, or "Source" as many call the creative energy of the universe, I wouldn't have to say anything because all energy is one, and we are in each other and know each other completely, without speech.


I wouldn't say anything. I'd let him explain himself for all his crimes.


We are going to be communicating for a long time while I ask you many questions and expand on them while you try to answer them.


If you are really all knowing and all powerful, if Lucifer was such an evil pain in your ass, why didn't you just kill him like you do all your other enemies. But then we would have a fear story to keep everybody in line huh? And if the sacrifice of your son was always the plan, what the fuck was the flood all about if you knew the people being evil was going to happen?? Geez, you give people freewill and then get pissed if they don't do it your way!! What's up with that??


Hey, no hard feelings, right?


Please tell me - this is just a nightmare...


Hello, I am so happy to see you. Let's go home.

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