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They can have my head. I have been told by many people that I don't use it.


I'm fucking Mine up so bad they won't want any of it


I have it my will that I want my corpse donated to science . Who knows, maybe somebody will benefit from it.


There are those who pretend to bury or burn bodies , & then sell the parts off on the up front market . I saw a news story on it years ago . Dateline . . . . ?

Dougy Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

If you are going to profit from death why not try and create more ... its all business. And what exaggeration "Gallo said even hardened FBI agents were shocked" - down here we have a crude but effective response "BULLSHIT!"
Grave robbing has been undertaken for many centuries. Here from the early 1800's is Thomas Hood's sad contribution:

by Thomas Hood
Mary’s Ghost. A Pathetic Ballad.

’Twas in the middle of the night,
To sleep young William tried,
When Mary’s ghost came stealing in,
And stood at his bedside.

O William dear! O William dear!
My rest eternal ceases;
Alas! my everlasting peace
Is broken into pieces.

I thought the last of all my cares
Would end with my last minute;
But though I went to my long home,
I didn’t stay long in it.

The body-snatchers they have come,
And made a snatch at me;
It’s very hard them kind of men
Won’t let a body be!

You thought that I was buried deep,
Quite decent-like and chary,
But from her grave in Mary-bone,
They’ve come and boned your Mary.

The arm that used to take your arm
Is took to Dr. Vyse;
And both my legs are gone to walk
The hospital at Guy’s.

I vowed that you should have my hand,
But fate gives us denial;
You’ll find it there, at Dr. Bell’s,
In spirits and a phial.

As for my feet, the little feet
You used to call so pretty,
There’s one, I know, in Bedford Row,
The t’other’s in the City.

I can’t tell where my head is gone,
But Doctor Carpue can;
As for my trunk, it’s all packed up
To go by Pickford’s van.

I wish you’d go to Mr. P.
And save me such a ride;
I don’t half like the outside place,
They’ve took for my inside.

The cock it crows — I must be gone!
My William, we must part!
But I’ll be yours in death, altho’
Sir Astley has my heart.

Don’t go to weep upon my grave,
And think that there I be;
They haven’t left an atom there
Of my anatomie.



I once applied for a position with a company that worked with donated (and purchased) human tissue. Didn't bother me at all. Then again, I was fascinated with bone and tissue harvests, and would go up to the ORs to watch whenever they were happening. That was definitely an advantage to working the night shift. That was when they usually performed those procedures.

Ghoul? You will possibly love Mary's Ghost. 😉

@FrayedBear I really don't find it "ghoulish", and I don't know what "Mary's Ghost" is.

@KKGator I've reproduced it on this thread in response to the original post. I'll tag you in it.


not as bad as I thought. I worry about people that are selling body part while they are alive (like kidneys). Seems a lot are bullied into doing so without real consent or are just so desperately impoverished they do so

One Australian billionaire's helicopter pilot donated, for a million dollars his kidney to his employer. I sispect that he only got the job because of tissue compatibility not flying skills. I think he got a further 5 years life because of the purchased kidney and i didnt hear if the donor got it back when the donee died.


There is a huge shortage of transplant material and lab experiments. I don't know what this is for. I haven't read the whole article because it disgusts me too much to spend a lot of time on that (though I should). Human remains to make money. How deep is America sinking? Not to forget, how deep are the buyers sinking?

Gert Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

It is a centuries old occupation. See above.
I prefer the question "How ethical is the medical profession?"

@FrayedBear I guess there is scam in every profession. Never experienced different.

@Gert the Chinese reportedly use criminals on death row to supply not just parts for experimentation but also replacement in humans.
I remember a sci-fi short story where such a prisoner was waiting execution and recycling. He escapes a decides to trash the facility ... the story ends when his crime is revealed - 3rd offense of jay walking.

@FrayedBear I don't judge all treatment of human bodies that are recycled in one or other way. Every situation has its own context. I only judge this because of the moneymaking motives that are behind it. Bodies of deceased people are just meat, but that body has been respected, some more and others less, before it died. That they are used for a good cause, I have no problems with it. I believe, yes, believe, that most people that gave their body to science did not mean trade. Even those who did that just to save the costs of a funeral.


Finally, a practical purpose for the current government! Maybe we can get $3/lb for them 🙂

jeffy Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

It took a while for me to comprehend as I misread /lb for billion (used to /kilo these days) but eventually got there. ROFL... but I don't think this is the primary reason for what you advocate - it's merely a nice little earner to buy drinks with to celebrate rationality.


Hmmmm.... I wonder if its food for some sick minded people. There's all kinds out there.

Well, there's all kinds of sick minded people in here too.

@Gert oh oh.... I'm i sick for thinking it... ? I watch to many zombie movies.. lol

@Gert lol


I knew things were getting interesting when I saw people spending thousands of dollars for hair extensions which are usually human hair from India.

I believe in regulation of this trade and full disclosures to donors. Without people donating their bodies to science, we will not have adequately trained medical students or cures for diseases. It still beats being buried in the ground as worm food.

Well, it would beat me too when my body would be sold for profit.

For grubby profit? Sounds like a Jewish / Christian aberration.
Having lived my life knowing that blood is freely donated by volunteers rather than bought from desperates has always given me some little ray of hope for humankind.


Doctor Frankenstein I presume?


Too close to home.
If it's been going on, I guess we are not aware.

Probably you are very true.

None so blind as those who do not want to see. Don't they now call it "plausible deniability" in the courts?


that is really freaky. and to think stem cell research is out of bounds. not the research I suppose but getting the stem cells.

makes me think of another John Prine song I'll post it up later.

@hankster lol apart from 3 chord twanging and reference to heaven an interesting linking of body parts with puns. Thanks for the share. 😀


Geez Louise! How strange and revolting is that??

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