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QUESTION PH Mythology: Separating pHacts from pHiction

The Acid/Alkaline: Theory of Disease

This theory claims that too much acidity in the body causes disease, and that eating alkaline foods and drinking alkaline water will improve health. People are encouraged to test the pH of their urine to monitor their acid/alkaline balance. On Quackwatch, Dr. Gabe Mirkin explained that the acid/alkaline theory of disease is nonsense because dietary modification cannot change the acidity of any part of the body except the urine. He says, “If you hear someone say that your body is too acidic and you should use their product to make it more alkaline, you would be wise not to believe anything else the person tells you.”

zblaze 7 Feb 8

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WTF is this shit^^^^


AS always, there are exceptions. Mouth ulcers, the bacteria in them love acid, a touch or 2 of dry bicarbonated soda will sort it in a day. Helicobacter pylori the bacteria responsible for gastric ulcers is not an acid lover as once thought, but is able to combat stomach acid and survive my making ammonia to neutralize the acid around it. Less acid would make its life easier, go figure.


I would bet you $1,000.00 that you could talk to 100 centenarians about this and not one of them would have the slightest idea what you were talking about.

I like the name Mirkin, though.


The story I hear is that it's inflammation that causes the most problems. But now I hear that it's "more complicated than that."


There is a lot of Quackery on both sides. Most of the so called alternative medicine advocates use it as an ax to grind, but so do doctors and the pharmaceutical companies. Interesting observation Pharma also starts with PH.


You would do better testing your pee for glucose and protein. You may ust save your own life.

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