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I think that people today are more likely to admit to being atheists than they are to being nudists...which is kinda sad since Nudism (just like Atheism) is so liberating. In most of Europe, people don't give a damn about going nude and just accept it as natural, but here in America it is unfortunately still considered a bit of a taboo. How many of you would admit to being nudists and recommend the Naturalist lifestyle to your friends?

  • 27 votes
  • 15 votes
  • 21 votes
mjcharles 5 Feb 8

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It would be awkward for me, not being I would be embarrassed about my body, but because I would not be able to help staring at others. I've always found the human body, male or female, to be of great interest, sexually and non-sexually. My staring would almost certainly be misinterpreted--and I don't think I'd enjoy being thought of as a creep, lol.

marga Level 7 Feb 9, 2018

I wouldn't worry about it, Marga. My wife felt the same at first. But she would agree with me in saying that you'd be surprised at how quickly you'll adjust to feeling that being naked among naked people is normal, and people usually only stare at things that seem abnormal.


I like being naked on my patio. I’m not sure if it’s a nudist thing or an exhibitionist thing. Is there a difference?

depends on whether you need an audience to enjoy yourself or not 🙂

No, it is just PERSONAL choice, I walk around my house, inside it of course, stark naked whenever I want, I sleep naked, we ALL shower or take a bath naked and as a Midwife I can honestly STATE categorically that NEVER ONCE have I seen a new-born baby arrive into this world fully dressed. And, YES, I even will walk outside of my house naked, BUT only after dark simply because of the Prudery of Society that is imposed upon everyone by religions via their unwarranted and needless pressures they impose on the Governments who make the Laws in the favour of Religions.


pure freedom. my brain is on fire when so


LOVE the Larsen cartoon.

But I didn't answer your poll because none of the answers fit. I am neither interested in it myself (especially tonight, as Chicago begins another 20+ hours of snowstorm) nor do I apply the label "not appropriate" to it. à chacun son goût.

"To each his/her own" was the purpose behind the survey... to find out how atheists (who consider themselves to be free from religious influence) react to the possibility/reality of their own participation in a Naturalist lifestyle which is considered largely taboo by most churches and mainstream American society. Sorry to hear about more snow your way although luckily it's passing us by. Winter does suck. 😉


I'm in the UK where it is becoming increasingly frowned upon as there seems to be a sexual narrative gradually being implied - which there isn't.

I do holiday in Europe where there is less issue with it and have no problem being nude wherever and whenever appropriate.

It is disgusting how many people are making nudity sexual. It seems they want bodies covered completely. This horrid attitude toward breast feeding, or how girls have to change their attire to not seduce men. How about parents teach their boys to respect women instead.

I couldn't agree more. The change seems to have been gradual - when I was at school we had communal changing rooms, separate for boys and girls, but that has all changed and now each have separate cubicles and showers as it's not OK for youngsters to see each other naked.


We are ALL born completely NAKED and then social 'norms' are imposed upon us BEFORE we are even aware of them and, voila, we are draped in clothing.
The Human body didn't EVOLVE simply to be walking advertisements for Tailors, Dressmakers, Cloth Manufacturers and the like, it evolved to be naked so that it could cool itself faster and more efficiently unhampered by excessive coverings such as hair ( fur) or clothing.
Did our earliest ancestors become sexually aroused every time they saw a naked pair of breasts 'bouncing' freely around them? No, I don't think so, they were most likely more concerned with watching out for predators or searching for their next meal, beliefs such as religions have imposed upon humans the ideology that being naked is a 'SIN' and , in reality, what is SIN, Sin is nothing more than an Imaginary Crime invented by Religions to stop people from actually being what they evolved to be.


No way.I just don’t get it .


Gary Larson. Man, I wish he'd start publishing again; funniest cartoonist (to me) in my lifetime.

If you had a category of: "Never tried it, not anxious to display my junk"; that would probably be where I'd check.

But, I could care less if others want to.


in the house yes. otherwise no


My ex wife and I went to a nudist camp about 10 years ago, we both enjoyed our time there but never returned.


Never tried it, doubt I would but who knows. I may somehow manage to hookup with one who'll bring me out of my shell. Though down here I doubt highly that'll happen. But to those that enjoy it, play ball I say.


We are all born without shame of being nude. Unfortunately like religion is taught so is being shame of our bodies.

Unity Level 8 May 12, 2019

Someone started a Nudists group on this site, but as of this writing they have not yet entered any key words to help people search the group out. Luckily there are only 3 pages in the group listings... so far. so you can easily stumble onto it.


I have made group here. Nudism


I was sexually abused by a nudist. In public don't inflict that on others. You don't know what some of us have gone through. I'm comfortable being nude with a consenting partner, or changing in front of certain friends. But it's something you need consent for.


A girlfriend wanted me to go with her to a sun club, but we stopped dating before it ever happened. I'm hoping when I visit her in Vegas she still wants to try. She had breast reconstructive surgery and says it would help boost her confidence (she looks fine).

I wonder if I might have a visible physical reaction when there. Sadly, another thing I've read is that family friendly clubs are hangouts for pedophiles. I think people, including children, should be comfortable with their bodies, but this disturbs me. It does, however, fit a pattern of people seeking to abuse children insert themselves in situations to be around them and gain their trust.

I think you will find that the percentage of Child Abuse amongst 'Nudists' in family orientated Nudist Organisations is as close to Zero as possible or even sub-zero. I have been a member of a number of Nudist Organisations during my 64 years and they have a well above average record for Morals and Ethics, etc, towards children.
As was once said, "He who follows/believes Media Hype/Propaganda is making of him/her self a Tool of the Media, He/she who sees Media Hype and sets about seeking the FACTS BEFORE believing is a very WISE person indeed."

I would hope the abuse is low/non-existent. IIRC as per the piece I vaguely remember, it provided the pedophile the opportunity to be around naked children. I have no idea how they claimed to derive their stats. I am not trying to spread misinformation, just open it up for comments.

No, we watch out for the young people. If someone is acting inappropriatly , they are kicked out for life ! There are strict rules and people watch out for one another 🙂

@flowerchild62 Very happy to hear that.


Most nudists seem to be people you don't want to see naked. I guess if I grew up differently it wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm American.

😀 can't americans look the other way?

but then I won't be looking where I'm going 😟


Very good short documentary on a HIV positive naked photo shoot. The photographer does many projects, all subjects nude.

I’m not against nudity, but I don’t like looking at a lot of people’s bodies.


It is one of the things I am curious about, but:

A) I am afraid that I will gawk and have an obvious reaction; and
2) I'm not exactly built like Zack Effron. Or Nora Ephron. Or Zach Ertz. Or ... you get the idea.


I follow a nudist group in Pittsburgh PA. Never been there yet, but I've thought about it. I think it's like wearing a burka, it's just a matter of getting used to it. The group is all male, even though women are invited as well .

Dougy Level 7 Feb 8, 2018
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