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Does Using A Public Restroom Require Illustrated Instructions?

Ok so I have worked in the same hospital for nearly 9 years. In those 9 years I have never payed attention to the signs posted in restrooms throughout our facility until recently...

Show of hands, How many people don’t know how to utilize a bathroom?

twshield 8 Nov 14

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Lol funny. No. I do not need the visual example. I do not use public restrooms unless I really really have to.


I abhor using public rest rooms. I will watch other people people not wash thier hands and it’s so stressful for me to NOT yell at them. I try to avoid the situation all together.


Sooooo.. what's the problem with pooping reverse cowboy style?

Right? It makes it easier eat a meal while pooping.


From the amount of piss I see all over some bathroom floors... I think ALL bathrooms should have instructions.

There was a bar in my youth that had this issue. They solved it by putting little spinners in the commodes for you to spin while you relieved yourself. It worked!


So that's how to do it.....


Lots of countries have squatters, many don't have pipes that cope with paper tissue, so for people new to western ways, I'd imagine the signs would help.
I had to Google instructions for the bidet while in France. Still not convinced it's for washing your socks though.?


I've learned you really can't assume everyone knows basic common procedures and courtesies. Maybe intended for those not raised in America? Maybe for aliens from outer space performing exploratory surgeries in your hospital? One can only wonder!


The only thing I have trouble with is the machine that blowes lukewarm air on your hands before you wipe them on your pants.

Instantly made me think of this sketch - where he has to figure out how to mount the toilet.

why do they think they need to tell you not to hover above the toilet.. it's not a levitory.



well, there are my patients

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