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Can someone help me understand why it is important to know who the president is fucking?!

So, I've been carrying this question for a while now, and the recent Melania Trump's outburst did nothing but to reinforce it. My question concerns the position of the first lady in general. Why does The Office of the First Lady exist at all? And don't get me wrong here, I think if there's ever a female US president, there shouldn't be a similar office for her husband either. Seriously, who the fuck cares?! The people have voted for the president, not his/her spouse.

Darius77 6 Nov 15

Enjoy being online again!

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"Model Citizens" People children can emulate. The facade must remain.


Ummm, because a man that is cheating and lying to his wife can be compromised in office. Ever heard of blackmail?

You didn't read the original post, did you?

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